your money or your life vicki robin
20 十二月 2020

It’s Jean Chatzky and this is HerMoney and I am, well, I’m thrilled, actually, to tell you that Vicki Robin is in the studio with me today. That was exciting for me. Yes, they were doing it before there was Instagram, you know, and really to write a book you have to really explain things in detail, which is the stuff I love. I think that part of the FIRE movement part of Your Money Your Life, too, has been this awakening that I, there’s a steering wheel here, there’s a tiller, there’s something that can steer. Vicki Robin: (24:55) Br A lot of people work for themselves and don’t have this option, so maxing out an IRA is absolutely your first move. The limit that singles can put in for this year is $3,550, for a family it’s $7,100. Listen to "Your Money or Your Life 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Fully Revised and Updated for 2018" by Vicki Robin available from Rakuten Kobo. And so he carefully, carefully examined every expense and said, is this expenditure buying me the life I love? He’s now 19 his credit score is good at 722 but I’m confused as to how he can continue increasing it. So in that sense of people waking up to the facts of life, and that there are limits, and they’re going to have to live within limits, and that they can’t be isolated, they have to work together, these are values I’ve worked for for 30 years. No one works for 40 years at the same company anymore and retires to a front porch with a gold watch and a pension to show for it. Or like, one day I want to stand on top of Mount Everest. Your Money or Your Life book. The book was written by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin. And you can start demanding more from your money today at Vicki Robin: (07:11) The consumerist insanity and it was cultivated. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 400 pages and is available in Paperback format. Understanding Compound Interest and Investing for Beginners | EP 272 . Jean Chatzky: (03:41) Although I do discuss various types of investments and strategies, I am not a licensed professional. Posted by Vicki Robin. So you know it’s food, water, clothes, cars, electronics, and you just say, where did this come from? Read More » Investing. “Vicki Robin’s Your Money or Your Life offers readers the gift of meaningful, applicable advice so that they can achieve true financial independence on their terms. I think it’s a question of imagination, of being able to introduce some questions of like, in 5 years time, what would I like to be doing with my life? Now a whole new generation is taking her advice. Then, in Mailbag, Jean and Kathryn talk about how to build credit scores and credit history for young people, how to save for retirement if your employer doesn’t offer a 401(k), and what to do with a balance remaining in a 529 college savings account. That’s absolutely true. If you don’t do this where we’re toast. “Vicki Robin’s Your Money or Your Life offers readers the gift of meaningful, applicable advice so that they can achieve true financial independence on their terms. Then and the end of the eighties, I went to the first national conference on something that was brand new at the time called sustainable development, which is now very corporatized. That’s his system. I’m looking forward, I’ve got a trip out to Seattle coming up and I’m going to take her up on her offer to come visit her on Whidbey Island. I’ve done research but couldn’t really find anything. When you work, you are trading a certain amount of your life energy for money. Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin “The seminal guide to the new morality of personal money management” (Los Angeles Times on the first edition) In 1992, Vicki Robin (and her partner, Joe Dominguez) published Your Money or Your Life, a book designed to help readers transform their relationship with money. Yeah. In Your Money or Your Life, Vicki Robin shows readers how to gain control of their money and finally begin to make a life, rather than just make a living. We were using more of the biocapacity the planet annually than would get regenerated through natural processes. I said my social theory about we were going to stop the problem. Cultural: Money represents our beliefs about our self-worth, about good and bad, … It’s, it doesn’t care about you. No, you don’t have any toast. We’ve done a number of shows with FIRE proponents and I’ve seen it in my own life, when you talk about tracking the spending, following the money, I’ve done a number of money makeovers with individuals over the years. She is coauthor with Joe Dominguez of the international best-seller, Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Viking Penguin, 1992, 1998, 2008, 2018). Because you know, we all know that we’re happiest when we achieve something, not a purchase, but we said, I want to do a 5-minute standup comedy routine or whatever, and you work hard and you get over all your embarrassment and you do it. Kathryn Tuggle: (30:50) That’s typically a solution that we recommend for parents whose kids have absolutely no credit in their own name. Our next question is from an anonymous Midwest listener, so hello to the Midwest. If people understood the implications 20 years out of what was being sown, then they should be sued like the Sackler family. Put that money in a brokerage firm, invest it in a way that lines up with your risk tolerance and your goals and you’re going to be good to go. Thank you for being here. Again, that wasn’t a problem, but it was fascinating. While on the topic of consumerism, Vicki also talks about environmental impact — people who reduce their overall consumption also reduce their carbon footprint. As a matter of fact, the game is find people who are not going to like welch on their debt, but they’re never going to pay their cards off and that’s a perfect cash cow for the banks. Vicki Robin: (03:43) But that’s just one form of hope. Yours already does, so I probably wouldn’t go down that road. I hope that all of my listeners who never read Your Money Or Your Life will go out and pick it up or download it, whatever they have to do to get their hands on it. Speaker 2: (27:14) She’s not in Seattle or near Seattle where she usually is. Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin (and Mr. Money Mustache) makes an important point to relate your income to your time spent working. Vicki: Well, step one of Your Money or Your Life, usually I say, “Oh just start keeping track of your money.” But step one is to do a balance sheet. You’ve become a real social innovator within the sustainability movement. We’re so happy to be back with Vicki Robin. I mean it all goes back to this idea of that we’re in a condition called overshoot, that we’re using more of the planet every year than the planet has. The one thing that I would do is look at how the money is being invested right now. This week’s guest, Vicki Robin, co-author of the seminal book “Your Money Or Your Life,” challenged a whole generation of people to think critically about what they were really working toward financially, and how they could live authentically in a consumer-driven world. And if you say that and your whole body system believes that, you will do anything, you will change your diet, you will exercise, you’ll, you know, go to the gym, you’ll be doing wall climb, you’ll do everything because you’ve told your mind that this is the thing you want. It’s a very interesting process. Anyway, lots and lots of good lessons in what Vicki Robin had to say. And for a decade we produced seminars based on Joe’s approach. Exactly. But it is interesting because were you to try to purchase that many new clothes that you owned it would be a crazy amount of money. What’s more, we all know that a traditional retirement is a thing of the past. Narrated by Vicki Robin. Jean Chatzky: (31:00) And then after, as I said, after I realized in the year 2000 that none of the external data was going in the direction I had hoped. -Oprah For more than twenty-five years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money. She’s got a popular Ted Talk. I mean I think, yeah, I did Rent The Runway Unlimited for a little while and I may go back and do it again ’cause it’s really fun and it did save me a lot of money not shopping. It’ll catch. And this American habit, and I think it is truly American, I don’t think it’s as ingrained in other countries, of just comparing and measuring up. This Is Likely The Easiest Way, How To Reset Your Retirement Risk Without Derailing Your Long-Term Investment Strategy, Ask Jean Chatzky: Roth Backdoor Conversions. Jean Chatzky: (29:48) That would be what I my answer to hope. -Grant Sabatier, founder of Millennial Money, on CNBC Make It This is a wonderful book. Her open mind allowed her to recognize the value of Joe’s new road map for money and apply it to her own life. Sign up for HerMoney today. I think you’re doing everything right. I truly believe a key component is learning who you are and understanding how you are best suited to reach your goals. One of the books I have heard a lot of people rave about in the PF blogosphere has to be Vicki Robins’ Your Money or Your Life which was recently updated by the author. HerMoney comes to you through PRX. I felt like, ha ha ha, I didn’t, you know, there was a worm and I didn’t invite it. I heard the savings rate at 20% and I’m sure you could see me roll my eyes. No, no. If you have a high deductible health insurance plan, you may be eligible to make a contribution into a health savings account. But if your balance is higher than that and you use your 18 months to aggressively pay down your debt, then you stand to save much, much more. And for a lot of people in the FIRE movement, what they want is out. I think it’s a question of wanting something more than you want the stuff. We are on the same path with our 15 and 16 year old daughters, but maybe I’m missing something. So when you buy something, it’s really your life energy that you are paying with, disguised in the form of money. I mean, I have the book, Biting the Hand That Feeds Us is about that adventure. Jean Chatzky: (08:29) Eventually people were really interested in like, what is this about? I’m struck every day as we walk into our offices by the line for the Rent The Runway drop off box. And we’ll be right back with Kathryn and your mailbag. Yeah. They say that, while most everyone would give up their money to save their lives, several individuals would honestly rather save their money. I think that theory works for people who apply the theory. Fantastic. It can really change your life." We were going to like, you know, savings rate was going to be 20% that’s what we said. The sharing economy. I consider myself so lucky that I did not go through high school in the era of Instagram. Maybe. Is this making me happy? So I think, rather than deprivation, what we need to work on is wanting something that requires more of us than the products. You know, introducing the future into the present and thinking about the possibilities of pleasure or learning or experiencing. Everyday low … So there’s a happiness that comes from that. Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship With Money & Achieving Financial Independence Authors: Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin with Monique Tilford . We talk a lot in the Financial Independence community about having an emergency fund, some extra money to cover the unexpected. Have any fitness goals this year? Your Money or Your Life de Vicki Robin et Joe Dominguez est un livre à lire absolument si vous vous intéressez de près à la gestion de vos finances personnelles. So I, I learned a lot about livestock production and farming and, and this whole idea now re localization was my key. In this course, Vicki Robin, co-author of the international bestseller Your Money or Your Life and expert on sustainable living, offers you a 7-week roadmap that will teach you how to transform your relationship to money, stuff and just about everything else. If you like what you hear, I hope you’ll subscribe to our show at Apple Podcasts and leave us a review. It can really change your life. And the sooner you embrace that and go like, this could be interesting. The amount he needed to live. Jean Chatzky: (39:43) But that money can then be used to pay for healthcare in real time, which means if you put it in in pretax dollars, you take it out without paying any additional taxes on it. Your Money or Your Life is not a book about managing money. I can’t believe it, but Vicki Robin, the author of Your Money or Your Life is joining me on today’s show. Kathryn Tuggle: (30:16) You know, but it does, there’s a remainder from all of this activity. I would be fine, but I don’t drink wine. You may rethink your financial plan after today’s show, because our guest is the co-author of the HUGE bestselling book, Your Money or Your Life. And I love where this comes from. When they were in middle school, I moved it to a more moderately aggressive portfolio, and by the time they were in high school, I got conservative. Hundreds of thousands of people have followed this nine-step program, learning to live more deliberately and meaningfully with Vicki Robin’s guidance. For more than twenty-five years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money. Some of us are approaching the max limit for the IRA deduction. And I can get into how I’ve applied this, eah, then he was financially independent. Right. Well, it turns out such a thing not only exists, it’s also grossly underused according to the folks at Bankrate. Jean Chatzky: (00:06) HerMoney is brought to you by Fidelity Investments. It’s out the door. So I would absolutely look at that. Lastly, in Thrive, Jean talks about balance transfers on credit cards, and whether one might be right for you. You wanted to be a standup comic. You may rethink your financial plan after today’s show, because our guest is the co-author of the HUGE bestselling book, Your Money or Your Life. Relocalization is just the idea of analyzing resource flows through your life. Vicki and her late partner Joe Dominguez, who wrote a really seminal book called Your Money or Your Life, challenged a whole generation to think about what they were really working for and how they were living, whether they were doing it authentically or just trying to keep up. Today our first question comes to us from Deb who writes, I am an avid fan of your show and have learned so much about how to manage my personal and family finances as well as all the other great life learnings your team puts out there. So, where are we right now as far as the culture of consumerism and what kind of changes can people make in order to get to that happiness? The main characters of this economics, finance story are , . Is this thing really worth the number of working hours I’m going to invest in it? It becomes curious about where are they sourced. For more than 25 years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money. So nice to have you here and in person and I don’t want to get stuck in the past, but I do want to just give my audience who may not know of your amazing work, a little taste of where it started. You know, so the people who keep being given credit cards, they think, Oh I must be really good. Without the need for a job, they spent their time supporting environ… I am sovereign, not you. Jean Chatzky: (27:00) And salt. And our little bridge on the north went down and she said, yeah, for two weeks in August. Vicki Robin: (07:42) You’re essentially saving about 25% on the cost of any healthcare expenditure that you use it for, but you don’t have to use it in the year that you contribute it. More recently in 2016, Coach Carson shared his thoughts on the pivotal paperback. Jean Chatzky: (18:02) Kathryn and I, we work in a WeWork in Manhattan and Rent The Runway has struck these deals with some WeWorks where they’ve got boxes where people who are subscribing to Tent the Runway Unlimited, which allows you a certain number of pieces at a time, can hand theirs back in so that then they can order more.’s Kathryn Tuggle has joined me in the studio. She writes, I was recently introduced to your podcast via one of my coworkers. What’s equally as important. Yeah, and they can go to the website, and they get a free little summary of the book as a starter, their little free starter kit. We’re going to use up our resources. There’s no better feeling than expending some of yourself to achieve something that you yourself says has value. So when you buy something, it’s really your life energy that you are paying with, disguised in the form of money. It all starts with a yearly financial checkup and an understanding of what you own and what you owe. Please say chocolate and wine. That’s really generous. Start a free 30-day trial today and get your first audiobook free. The best book on money period. So you know more Diane Von Furstenberg, not $3,000 dresses, $300 dresses. So if he’s got $1,000 credit limit, he should charge no more than $300 at any point. Vicki Robin: (22:29) As we near any goal, we generally get more conservative with our investment strategy. It may not be burgeoning on excellent, but it will get there as long as he uses the one credit card that he has doesn’t go over, 30% in his utilization of that card. Keep on spreading the knowledge. We’ll sit down with another great guest and we’ll talk soon. Oftentimes, the only way out of the spending cycle is introspection, and making a conscious effort to think about the future in the present. Lemons, oil…. And I could tell. Last question comes from Corrine. Because of, because of credit cards and there’s no shame in, you know, there’s the, we have massive credit limits. You can allow it to grow, you can invest it like money in a 401(k), and it can over the years become a very powerful supplemental retirement account. I mean, give me a break, right? So, you know, and actually we could, you know, I started doing an analysis of my food system. Because you are surrounded every day in advertisements and on social media by people who have so much more than you or who pretend to have so much more than you. Why do you care about it? In addition to coauthoring the bestselling Your Money or Your Life, Robin has been at the forefront of the sustainable living movement. And if he’s getting to that level, go ahead and just pay the bill or ask for an increase in the credit limit on that card and then pay the bill on time. or, What are ten things I’d like to do before I die? ― Vicki Robin, Your Money or Your Life. Click Here to Get the PDF Summary of This Book & Many More “We shift from comparing ourselves to others to considering our real needs and desires. And I love the fact that she has kept on doing it. No, no. But that’s just not true. In the traditional sense of am I looking into the future and I see something better than today? Buy Your Money or Your Life, 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Revised and Updated for the 21st Century 2 by Robin, Vicki, Dominguez, Joe (ISBN: 9780143115762) from Amazon's Book Store. We have tons of apples, we have legacy apple trees, you know, that just, you know, throw off their apples. He earned as much as he could without violating his integrity or his health. Hundreds of thousands of people have followed this nine-step program, learning to live more deliberately and meaningfully with Vicki Robin’s guidance. Money is your life energy. Joe Dominguez and Vicky Robin, Your Money or Your Life Ultimately, this book is about achieving financial independence. And we’re already in the late eighties, we were in a condition called overshoot. I lost weight. Thank you so much to Vicki Robin for stopping by. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It’s an utter degradation of human consciousness. In fact, all the way through elementary school. In today’s Thrive in the fight against debt, aren’t we all looking for solutions that are easy to implement and accessible to all? Kathryn Tuggle: (34:43) I’m graduating debt free and because my 529 has benefited me so much, I want to let the remaining money continue to grow from my children. And I have the $2000 limit on this card and a $5,000 on that, and and I have that much money. Your Money or Your Life, by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez . Fabulous. Your Money or Your Life is like go-to book for those seeking financial independence, and in the 2018 edition of the book, even has an intro by Mr. Money Mustache, himself. Like somebody just sent me a life ring off, you know, in a vast sea and I’m being reeled in. And the two of them together are really credited with sowing some of the seeds of the FIRE movement as it is today. What does it really mean to have “enough”? Yeah, no, fantastic. Vicki Robin: (19:06) You know, it’s like there’s an insanity. Essentially, once you make the switch, your goal should be to pay down your debt as quickly as possible before the 0% rate expires. I was interested in knowing what is a good way to save for a tax deductible or pre-tax contributions, which in turn put us in a lower tax bracket. Your Money or Your Life (NY Times Best Seller, by Vicki Robin) Some people say this book Your Money or Your Life is one of the most influential books that exist in the realm of financial self-improvement. You deserve time off, your money doesn’t. Yeah. And then I wonder, for people who don’t know about Rent The Runway, they just assume that these women have Dolce and Gabbana new outfits every week? For so many people, it feels like an awakening, she says, “like someone just sent me a life ring in a vast sea, and I’m being reeled in.”. You know, there may be for some people. Vicki Robin is a renowned innovator, writer, and speaker. So we were working on catching, you know, we were on Oprah and then we became a New York Times bestseller, five years in the Business Week bestseller list. I could tell you were happy. People used to say back in the day, you know, well wait a second aren’t, you’re going to ruin the economy. I want to learn a little bit about where life has taken you in the last decade. So for me the game is, the cat and mouse game is, you’re trying to get me to buy stuff and I’m not going to do it, unless I want to. And as far as your daughters, I think you’re on the right path. Teleclasses. This fully revised and updated edition with a foreword by "the Frugal Guru" Jean Chatzky: (27:42) It’s sort of a collective, Your Money Your Life. Kathryn Tuggle: (29:38) They are incredibly impressive. I Make Much More Than My Husband — Here’s How We Manage, The Only Types of Purses and Handbags You Need to Own, People Who Have a Credit Score Under 700 Should Make These 5 Moves ASAP. The best book on money period. Why, ou know, this kind of me is not loyal to you. You work too hard for what you earn to let it sit on the sidelines. Your Money or Your Life Quotes Showing 1-30 of 67 “If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough.” ― Vicki Robin, Your Money or Your Life tags: consumer, consumerism, money Vicki and her late partner Joe Dominguez, who wrote a really seminal book called Your Money or Your Life, challenged a whole generation to think about what they were really working for and how they were living, whether they were doing it authentically or just trying to keep up. We want you talking about your money and we’re here to remind you that you work way too hard to let your money just sit in savings. And I I would say, look, I don’t need a high fat diet so that my neighbor, the heart surgeon can make money. Vicki Robin: (18:11) By the year 2000 we are going to be, have moderated consumption sufficiently. Jean Chatzky: (32:21) 1 likes. And then if you have additional money that you are able to put away, just do it. Learn more at I have those when I meet these pioneers of personal finance who I just feel really paved the way for so much of the great work that came after it. For example, asking yourself: In five years’ time, what would I like to be doing with my life? The deal on distributions is as long as you use the money for healthcare expenses, you will never owe any additional taxes on them. And so being thrown back on your own resources, anybody who’s lived a life and has had to reset the life because of a divorce or because of something, you know, a partner dies, you know that it’s tough, but, you become tougher. Vicki Robin is a renowned innovator, writer, and speaker. Here’s where I would push pause for just a second. In addition to coauthoring the bestselling Your Money or Your Life, Robin has been at the forefront of the sustainable living movement.She has received awards from Co-Op America and Sustainable Northwest and was profiled in Utne Magazine's book Visionaries: People and Ideas to Change Your Life. People think they have that much money to spend. After graduating, I’ll have about $25,000 remaining in the account. Jean Chatzky: (22:52) Kathryn Tuggle: (31:14) We can see it now. And what she was saying about this never having enough is something that really resonates I think even more today than when she wrote the book. I’m sovereign. Thank you, Deb. She’s written others including Blessing the Hand That Feeds Us: Lessons From a 10 Mile Diet where she explores food and farming and sustainability. I mean I have… How do we get ourselves to embrace enough and to know what’s enough for us? We love free. It is a small company with fewer than 50 people and the owners are not interested in offering a plan to the employees. In this way, she says, living authentically means living without excess. Is it in line with my values? My question is about what to do with the remaining balance and my 529 college savings account. Commensurate with the number of hours of my life I invested to get the money to get this thing. She’s had quite the journey and she is here to fill us in on all of it. She writes, I’m in love with the podcast and as a 22 year old college graduate, it has helped me tremendously to gain footing with my finances before stepping out into the real world. I think that the connection between how much time did it take me to earn this money and buying that thing has vanished for so, so many people. Your money or your life, indeed. Then. Buy Your Money or Your Life, 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence: Revised and Updated for the 21st Century 2 by Robin, Vicki, Dominguez, Joe (ISBN: 9780143115762) from Amazon's Book Store. I, for myself, I was like, I always thought I was sort of beating the system. Like where I live, if I’m willing to have kale on a fairly daily basis, I’m not going to starve. The theory didn’t work. Jean Chatzky: (07:36) Best Online Savings Banks of 2021 . Everyday low … YMOYL) is considered by many in the financial independence space to be one of the most influential bodies of work in this realm. Again, our listeners are just so smart, right? Jean Chatzky: (31:15) Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . Kathryn Tuggle: (38:14) Joe Dominguez was a financial analyst on Wall Street and retired at the He and Vicki Robin were founders of the New Road Map Foundation, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that promotes a human, sustainable future for our world. In 2004, the book transformed my relationship with money. There’s no better feeling. You know, all the things that come through my life that serve my life. Jean Chatzky: (11:05) Joe did some living room talks with friends and eventually I became the producer ’cause I said this is really important. Can you just give us a little bit about how you got on this journey to begin with? For more than twenty-five years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money. Save the planet while saving money This is a rare opportunity to dig into the methods presented in the widely celebrated, bestselling book Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, co-authored by Vicki Robin … Vicki Robin helped shape the financial independence/retire early movement, and she’s on her way down to the basement today to talk to us about re-examining your beliefs around your life and your money. I go to this conference and I realize that everybody is saying the biggest driver of environmental destruction is over consumption. Yeah. Vicki Robin is a renowned innovator, writer, and speaker.In addition to coauthoring the bestselling Your Money or Your Life, Robin has been at the forefront of the sustainable living movement.She has received awards from Co-Op America and Sustainable Northwest and was profiled in Utne Magazine’s book Visionaries: People and Ideas to Change Your Life. You know Vicki Robin as the author of Your Money or Your Life, but on today’s show, we dive MUCH deeper into her story and her background.Growing up without a lot of money, she learned how to use her resources to appear as though she had more. Now I get to be free another day. It’s a book about transforming your relationship with money.. Vicki and Joe start by examining the concept of money: Material: Money is cash, credit cards, the stuff of daily transactions. I think it is the experience of going from being out of control, frightened, behind an eight ball, and you don’t know even what game the ball belongs to, that feeling of being utterly out of control and then finding this sort of life ring, whether it’s your money or your life or something in the FIRE movement, you find something that’s defined, it says if you do these steps, you will get here, just trust us and do it, you know, and all the formulas and all the math of it, it’s very clear. 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