precipitating event psychology
20 十二月 2020

M. A. 4. Power Environmental factors (15 different studies; Copyright © 2020 Society of Pediatric Psychology. Adegbenro Nazari Morato (, Taddio Second, gender does not appear to play an important role in predicting anticipatory distress. F. Macpherson Contrera-Ayala Perpetuating or maintaining factors ( Carr, 1999 ) were factors that likely extend or preserve the problem such as parent behavior that maintains the child’s distress both inside and outside the medical procedure. No contextual factors were found under the precipitating domain. Walker Furthermore, previous work in child anxiety has demonstrated that direct conditioning is only one pathway to the development of anxiety problems in children ( Vasey & Dadds, 2001 ). People sometimes face stressful or tragic events leading to a sense of crisis, often involving some sort of loss. Pillai Riddell Laubreaux Chen E. Predisposing Factors of Anticipatory Anxiety. Precipitating factors refer to a specific event or trigger to the onset of the current problem. Finally, present factors were variables that occurred at the time of the procedure and could positively or negatively influence the child’s anticipatory distress. Tetzlaff (, Kain The overall risk of bias rating was unclear ( Table I ). K. (, Hosey Across three factors examined, there was evidence that parent factors play a key role in maintaining the distress of children during painful medical procedures. Powers Elfvin-Åkesson C. (, Barker 1. M. E. (, Bearden Established tools to evaluate risk of bias in nonrandomized studies were also considered (e.g., Down & Black, 1998 ). S. J. (, Mahoney C. Overall, evidence suggests that distress promoting behavior by health care professionals is associated with higher child anticipatory distress. (, Melamed precipitating cause: a factor that initiates the onset of manifestations of a disease process. Black M. R. 3. to cause an event or occurrence. precipitating factors (bring on -- lead to) trigger the onset off psychological difficulties. Torry Imagine that your problem behavior is chained to the precipitating event in the environment. (, Chen Examining a restricted age range may also have contributed to the lack of an effect. Kainer J. C. I. Ratcliffe Z. N. Finally, the evidence for other child behaviors (two studies) was inconclusive as studies highlighted different child behaviors associated with increased or decreased anticipatory distress. (, Carr Few predisposing contextual factors have been examined and more research is needed. C. B. M. G. M. Ayers Overall, results indicate that previous pain behavior positively predicts child anticipatory distress. A librarian from a tertiary hospital with specialized training in conducting systematic reviews conducted a systematic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and EBM Reviews—Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PsycINFO to include articles indexed as of November 20, 2013. Ward Arai L. C. D. Two authors evaluated risk of bias and consensus decisions were made where authors disagreed. R. L. Pillai Riddell Ackerson V. This adaptation was based on the decision not to penalize nonrandomized observational studies for being evaluated against criteria for randomization. Lillis M. (, Caes Kirnon The results showed that 17 studies found that previous negative experiences positively predict child anticipatory distress, whereas 12 studies found no effect of previous painful events. Despite the large body of research (43 studies) that examined the effect of age on child anticipatory distress, the research on this factor does not seem to converge. Children with preexisting anxiety and a difficult temperament were more likely to have anticipatory distress. Search results were limited to publication years (1946+) and age group (children 0–18 years). G. The overall risk of bias was unclear. D. T. Nonrandomized studies were included following guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration that a systematic review should include the best available study designs with the least risk of bias ( Higgins & Green, 2011 ). Mahmood (, Kleiber Findings provide preliminary evidence consistent with at least two possible pathways to a suicidal crisis. Johnson Yelland Z. N. Previous hospitalization of child or sibling (5 studies; N = 1,451). Kain 1. : She always gets the jitters before going on stage. However, the knowledge of these proposed factors should be incorporated in randomized trials that test the efficacy of treatments of anticipatory distress. Jones L. C. Pederson J. D. Lindgren J. One factor was identified as a health professional present factor: health professional behavior (three studies). Murray V. M. B. D. A total of 77 full-text studies were included in the review. Nicole M. Racine, MA, Rebecca R. Pillai Riddell, PhD, Maria Khan, BA, Masa Calic, BA, Anna Taddio, PhD, Paula Tablon, BA, Systematic Review: Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating, and Present Factors Predicting Anticipatory Distress to Painful Medical Procedures in Children, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Volume 41, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 159–181, Johansson Z. N. C. (, Winters Retrieved from, Survey of the prevalence of immunization non-compliance due to needle fears in children and adults, Conditioning and hyperalgesia in newborns exposed to repeated heel lances, Information-seeking coping and anxiety in school-age children anticipating surgery, A prospective study of dental anxiety in a cohort of children followed from 5 to 9 years of age, Emotional states of mothers and behavior of the child during minor surgery, Role of anticipatory anxiety and anxiety sensitivity in children's and adolescents' laboratory pain responses, Children's distress in anticipation of radiation therapy procedures, The developmental psychopathology of anxiety, Handbook of developmental psychopathology, The case formulation in child and adolescent psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Anxiety in children having elective surgery, When are parents helpful? Genevro This research was supported by awards to Dr. Pillai Riddell from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP 84511), the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (ER05-08-219), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and the York Research Chairs Program. No health professional factors were found under the perpetuating domain. Melamed Many of the factors (e.g., child level of anxiety, age, gender, parent anxiety, and previous pain experiences) cannot be randomized to participants to improve the quality of the methodology to test these factors. (, Dahlquist C. (, Cropper (, Kain Psychology Definition of PRECIPITATING CAUSE: the specific aspect, at times, a distressing or damaging experience, which is the immediate cause of a cognitive or physical disorder. 1. S. Murguía-Cánovas Bento B.J. Results  31 factors were found to predict anticipatory distress to painful medical procedures in children. A total of 15,106 participants were included in the review. Definition of precipitating factors in the dictionary. Parent situational distress (19 studies; 3. L. A. S. Armstrong S. Overall findings suggest that most parent behavior, parent situational distress, and parent anticipation of child distress were associated with increased anticipatory distress ( Table III ). Nelson H. R. E. C. R.E. The summary figure ( Figure 2 ) includes most of the information from Tables I to IV and highlights the contribution of predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and present factors influencing the child’s anticipatory distress. N. Martin When examining the parent factors that perpetuate a child’s anticipatory distress to painful medical procedures, an important pattern emerges. Arch Suicide Res. R.R. As all but 7 studies were nonrandomized controlled trials, 15 studies were evaluated to have high risk of bias, 16 studies had unclear risk of bias, and 46 studies had low risk of bias ( Tables I–IV ). 2. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. J. Methodological factors may also have contributed to differences in results as the majority of studies did not examine a discrete age range but rather averaged over large age ranges of up to 15 years. The factors that appear to increase anticipatory distress are child psychopathology, difficult child temperament, parent distress promoting behaviors, parent situational distress, previous pain events, parent anticipation of distress, and parent anxious predisposition. Given the transactional and individual factors that predict anticipatory distress, clinical recommendations for parental presence during a procedure should be based on characteristics of the parent and their ability to provide calm support rather than the blanket assumption that all parents should consistently be present or not present. Only factors with two studies or more that were similar in nature were included in Figure 2 . Wollan S. Overall findings suggest that parent anxious predisposition, and pain experience or fear of pain were all associated with increased anticipatory distress. Arch Suicide Res. Stargatt M. R. Y. E. become very nervous or anxious especially before an important event or before having to do something difficult [informal] Ex. As seen in Table I , 10 variables were identified for child predisposing factors ( Table I ). MacLaren Chorney Additionally, there is a need for longitudinal and more complex methodologies to investigate the transactional nature of these factors. R. The overall risk of bias for this factor was unclear. Grunau C. As shown in Figure 2 , factors that are depicted with a question mark have inconclusive evidence. Factors distinguishing adolescents who experienced a precipitating event in the week preceding a suicidal crisis from those who did not were examined. Mayes Czarnecki Data were obtained from the Precipitating Events Project (PEP) study, an ongoing longitudinal study of 754 community-living persons, aged 70 or older, who were initially nondisabled in their basic activities of daily living (Gill, 2014; Gill, Desai, Gahbauer, Holford, & Williams, 2001). Anticipatory distress has been identified as occurring as early as infancy. McGrath S. (, Taddio Commentary: Parent-Child Interactions During Painful Medical Procedures: Recommendations by Blount and Colleagues (1991) Have not Fallen on Deaf Ears! Lammers As part of the evaluation, the specific precipitating events related to the onset of insomnia were identified. Cohen Given that child threat appraisal and perceived control predict child anticipatory distress, this highlights the importance of teaching children cognitive and behavioral coping strategies to manage their anticipatory distress. N. The second factor that was identified as a child precipitating factor is previous child/adolescent behavior (five studies). C. A. L. M. A Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool: For non-randomized studies of interventions (ACROBATNRSI), version 1.0.0. Pain experience and fear of pain (3 studies; Mothers associated with more anticipatory distress. Because of the diversity of medical procedures, outcome measures used, and participant ages included in the studies, a meta-analysis was not deemed appropriate for this review and, rather, a narrative synthesis framework ( Popay et al., 2005 ) was applied. Goldstein Four studies indicated that history of painful procedures was in fact associated with decreased child anticipatory distress. L. R. R. K. Teague A. M. Finally, protective factors are strengths of the child or reduce the severity of problems and promote healthy and adaptive functioning. D. E. S. R. C. There was inconclusive evidence for child coping style with unclear risk of bias, reducing confidence in these findings. The effect of number of siblings and sibling order was investigated by three studies and was found to have no effect. Precipitating factors were conceptualized as factors that lead to the onset of anticipatory distress to painful medical procedures such as a negative pain event or previous experience with pain. M. Drotar D.B. Assimes PMCID: PMC3416951, Treatment outcome in subgroups of uncooperative child dental patients: An exploratory study, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, The influence of parent preprocedural anxiety on child procedural pain: Mediation by child procedural anxiety, Preoperative parental anxiety predicts behavioral and emotional responses to induction of anaesthesia in children, The impact of previous experience on children's reactions to venepunctures, Analysis of child and adult behavioral variations by phase of medical procedure, Affect regulation and the development of psychopathology, School-age children’s fears of medical experiences, Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, The use of distraction and imagery with children during painful procedures, The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis, Motivation and maternal presence during induction of anesthesia, The moderating role of dental expectancies on the relationship between cognitive vulnerability and dental fear in children and adolescents, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Perceived control as a predictor of distress in children undergoing invasive medical procedures, Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach, Pain and Fear Ratings: Clinical Implications of Age and Gender Differences. Results suggest that the data regarding age were inconclusive with almost half the studies showing no age effect, and the majority of the other studies suggesting younger children have higher anticipatory distress. Parent anxiety and parent’s previous experiences with pain are also important predictors of anticipatory distress. Future longitudinal or cross-sectional studies could provide some insight into whether age is an important factor in predicting child anticipatory distress. (, Wright U. A total of 12 studies provided evidence for parent predisposing factors that are associated with child anticipatory distress to painful medical procedures. If one of the criteria was rated as “high,” the overall study rating was considered to be high risk. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. (, Field Note . Although the overall result is that previous negative pain events predict anticipatory distress, this was not uniformly the case across studies. Profiles of Acceptability, Bi-Directional Associations Between Real-Time Affect and Physical Activity in Weight-Discordant Siblings, Psychosocial Functioning Among Children With and Without Differences of Sex Development, Reciprocal Links Between Physical Health and Coping Among Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis, About the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Lisi, Campbell, Pillai Riddell, Garfield, & Greenberg, 2013, Taddio, Shah, Gilbert-MacLeod, & Katz, 2002, Wright, Yelland, Heathcote, Ng, & Wright, 2009, Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009, Caldwell-Andrews, Kain, Mayes, Kerns, and Ng (2005), Chen, Craske, Katz, Schwartz, and Zeltzer (2000), Chorney, Torry, McLaren, Chen, and Kain (2009), Dahlquist, Power, Cox, and Fernbach (1994), Holm-Knudsen, Carlin, and McKenzie (1998), Kain, Mayes, Weisman, and Hofstadter (2000), Kain, Mayes, O'Connor, and Cicchetti (1996), Field, Alpert, Vega-Lahr, Goldstein, and Perry (1988), Goodenough, Champion, Laubreaux, Tabah, and Kampel (1998), McMurtry, Noel, Chambers, and McGrath (2011), Colares, Franca, Ferreira, Amorim Filho, and Oliverira (2013), Fortier, Martin, MacLaren Chorney, Mayes, and Kain (2011), Arnrup, Broberg, Berggren, and Bodin (2003), Carillo-Diaz, Crego, Armfield, and Romero (2013), Noel, McMurtry, Chambers, and McGrath (2010), Broome, Lillis, McGahee, and Bates (1994), Crandall, Lammers, Senders, Braun, and Savedra (2008), Dahlquist Power, Cox, and Fernbach (1994), LaMontagne, Hepworth, Johnson, and Cohen (1996), Srivastava, Betts, Rosenberg, and Kainer (2001), Ameringer, Elswick Jr, Shockey, & Dillon, 2013, Kain, Wang, Mayes, Krivutza, and Teague (2001), Howe, Ratcliffe, Tuttle, Dougherty, & Lipman, 2011, Kain, Caldwell-Andrews, Maranets, Nelson, and Mayes (2006),, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Predicting Children's Response to an Invasive Medical Investigation: The L. C. Ilvered The risk of bias for this factor was unclear as there was a mix of high and low rated studies. Busoni (, Lisi Feinstein Todt G. Durling These negative outcomes could lead to avoidance of painful medical procedures and reduced compliance with preventative medical care ( Taddio et al., 2012 ). Katz Flora S. H. Runnel (, Crandall What are the links? M. Ng Chambers  |  E. R. Karjalainen Kain Health professional behavior (3 studies; Distress promoting behaviour positively predicts child anticipatory distress. M. B. Mayes R. S. (, Noel Birth order was not found to have an effect on child anticipatory distress as indicated by three studies. J. 1. A. C. Epidemiological studies of suicide and intervention studies in selected risk groups. Shanker Caprilli R. T. W. Clifton C. In terms of having more knowledge about the procedure, the overall results were inconclusive; however, three studies did show a decrease in anticipatory distress. R. O. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of … C. T. A. A. R. Almost half the studies showed no effect of age, while the other half suggests younger children experience higher anticipatory distress. M. I. Direction dependent on type of behavior. At this point, the results on age remain largely inconclusive, although the results from this review point toward younger children experiencing more anticipatory distress than older children. A. J. A. Domains of chronic stress and suicidal behaviors among inpatient adolescents. R. L. Overall, the evidence points toward a positive relationship between previous pain events and child anticipatory distress based on unclear risk of bias. Some reasons for this include risk of bias and sample size. E. S. D. E. The risk of bias was rated as unclear due to one study with an unclear rating. Din Osmun Persönlichkeitspsychologie: Persönlichkeitsunterschiede und individuelle Besonderheiten von Menschen in unterschiedlichen Teildisziplinen Abeles A. The first factor is general and specific negative pain events. V. L. Benoit J. L. Senders (, Bijttebier Racine and R.P.R.) Reeves Owen L.L. C. J. (, Olak Ollendick G. Smith Britten No health professional factors were found under the precipitating domain. G. L. In this review, we examined 31 factors that predict anticipatory distress. Longitudinal and experimental research is needed to further elucidate these factors. Temperament were more likely to have no effect of parental presence within pediatric healthcare settings procedure! Articles published after 2013 to update the search in November 2014 procedures largely had low risk of bias procedures children! Distress measure ) were not examined in this review was to synthesize the literature a script a! With at least two possible pathways to a suicidal crisis from those did! Bias, reducing confidence in these findings the evidence points toward a positive relationship between self-report observed., Colares V. Franca C. Ferreira A. 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