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20 十二月 2020

Active 1 year, 7 months ago. React. Help support cdnjs. This snippet is free and open source hence you can use it in your project.Bootstrap 4 todo list with custom checkbox button with ripple effect snippet example is best for all kind of projects.A great starter for your new awesome project with 1000+ Font Awesome Icons, 4000+ Material Design Icons and Material Design Colors at It uses a ripple effect to give users feedback in a simple, elegant way. This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sirxemic. Latest HTML Codes for Websites. It's not that much important, but it looks so subtle and … How do election results and a divided nation impact commodity markets and trade? 1. So using this post I will allow to you to know how … When the dimensions of the element changes, you need to call $ (selector).ripples ('updateSize') to update the size of the effect accordingly. This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jtiscione. Apply Click/Tap Ripple Effects To Any DOM Elements - ripple-effect. Modern Material Ripple Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - Pseudo Ripple. Sponsored. The yarp.js is a Material design inspired jQuery plug-in for creating the ripple effect in HTML elements. More... CDN-Hosted jQuery Library: , © Copyright 2012-2020 jQueryScript.Net - Privacy Policy - Sitemap - RSS Feed, jQuery Plugin For Water Ripple Animation - ripples, jQuery Plugin For Creating Firefly Flying Background - FireFly, jQuery Plugin For Parallax Scrolling Background Image - qpScroll, Animating Numbers Counting Up with Counter-Up Plugin, Text Scrolling Plugin for jQuery - Marquee, Animate Elements In When They Come Into View - jQuery CSS3 Animate It Plugin, jQuery Plugin For Horizontal Text Scrolling - Simple Marquee, Carousel & Marquee Like List Scrolling Plguin For jQuery - Scrollbox, jQuery Plugin For Page Load Transition Effects - Animsition (Clickstream), jQuery Plugin For Smooth Mouse Scrolling - scrollSpeed, Interactive Mouse Hover Parallax Effect with jQuery - Mouse Parallax, Flexible jQuery Vertical News Ticker Plugin - Advanced News Ticker, High-Performance Background Parallax Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - jarallax, Interactive Parallax Effect with jQuery - jparallax, Image Parallax Scroll Effect JavaScript Library - SimpleParallax, Awesome JavaScript Library For Magical Scroll Interactions - ScrollMagic, Tiny Parallax Background Plugin In JavaScript - Parlx.js, Terminal Text Typing Effect In JavaScript - Typed.js, 120+ Touch-enabled Page Transitions In JavaScript - pageSwitch, Mobile-first Full Page Scroll With Parallax Effect - Parallax.js, jQuery Plugin To Simulate Terminal Text Effects - t.js, v0.6.3: Actually get rid of all references when destroying an instance, Use isPercentage function instead of endsWith, Added method to create drops programmatically. The plug-in name is rippleria that you may download from the Github website here. Free jQuery Plugins and Tutorials - One of the BEST jQuery websites that provide web designers and developers with a simple way to preview and download a variety of Free jQuery Plugins. Configurable Ripple Effect On Click/Tap - jQuery Waves.js. - sirxemic/jquery.ripples Although it’s possible to use React features like state and refs to help create the ripple effect, these aren’t strictly necessary. ... load the jQuery CDN file into your web project. Direction-aware Ripple Hover Effect In jQuery And CSS3, Configurable Ripple Effect On Click/Tap - jQuery Waves.js, Modern Material Ripple Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - Pseudo Ripple, Apply Click/Tap Ripple Effects To Any DOM Elements - ripple-effect, Interactive Water Ripple Effect On Background - jqueryRipple, Configurable Material Ripple Tap Effect - jQuery touch-ripple, Animated Interactive Shadow Effect With JavaScript, jQuery Plugin To Fade In/Out Html Elements - jQFader, Easy Image Sprite Animation On Hover Using jQuery - spriteControl, jQuery Plugin To Manage Animate.css Based Animations - animate.css.js, Creating A TV Shutdown Effect with CSS3 Transitions and Transforms, Footer Reveal Animation On Scroll Using jQuery. The popModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you to create multi functional modal popup. Ripple effect is a very attractive and cool animation where an ink-drop like object or element move s radically around the point of origin when users taps on it or click on it. ag. cdnjs is a free and open-source CDN service trusted by over 11% of all websites, powered by Cloudflare. Currently works with modern browsers that support at least one of the following: WebGL, OES_texture_float extension, OES_texture_float_linear extension. 1. You can contribute on GitHub to help make cdnjs sustainable! legitRipple.js – Best in jQuery Ripple Effect Plugins. Direction-aware Ripple Hover Effect In jQuery And CSS3. Water Ripple Effects using Html 5 and JQuery plugin - very easy video - Duration: 6:43. The plug-in is the just 1Kb size and it is very simple to use. Touch Screen Ripple Effect In JQuery for Chrome. Configurable Ripple Effect On Click/Tap - jQuery Waves.js.